WordPress.com News and Numbers: The August 2013 Hot List

WordPress.com News

Recently, Michelle offered a snapshot of WordPress.com activity in July. The verdict? You’re all busy bees and publish a lot. We’re proud of our community’s accomplishments this past month, too — August certainly sizzled. Here’s a glimpse at what’s been in the works at WordPress.com, through news and numbers.

You’re in the spotlight.

Writing on the WallA number of you are TEDTalk alums, and we were glad to see The Economist‘s digital editor and WordPress.com blogger Tom Standage give a TedxOxbridge talk in England on lessons from ancient social media, from his forthcoming book Writing on the Wall: Social Media — The First 2,000 Years, which you can read about on his blog.

Another WordPresser, Ann Morgan, had a stellar August. In 2012, she read her way around the globe’s 196 independent countries, chronicling her literary adventure on her blog, A Year of Reading the World

A feature…

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